Say Goodbye to Picky Eating: The Best Foods for Kids to Get Them To Eat A Wide Variety of Dishes

When you have young kids, it’s inevitable that you’ll have to deal with picky eating at some point. Most kids go through a fussy period when they are around 18 months old and again at around their third birthday. These phases can be challenging for parents who want to see their children eat a wide variety of healthy foods. Even if your child is willing to try new things (and trust us, they will), they may not like the taste or texture of certain foods when they first try them. It takes time, patience, and a willingness to get creative in order to help your child expand their palate without making them feel like you’re forcing them to eat something that makes them uncomfortable. How to Help Your Child Expand Their Palate When children have been eating the same things for years, it can become easy to lose their palate for variety. If your child has a bland or restricted diet, the risk of nutrient deficiencies can increase. This can lead to your child having a negative association w...